Meteoric Herald Soldier Build (Warhammer: Chaosbane)

Meteoric Herald

This build is my new take on the Meteoric Iron set (Empire Herald). The build is a melee centric one and includes a lot of dmg  reduction, some decent damage as well as block chance stacking + two sources of taunting. The is great for group play & nearby enemies that we’ve taunted would take 120% more damage from all players. We take advantage of the synergy between Sigmar’s Herald Mastered + Divine Reprisal Mastered + Majestic Aura Superior to achieve this together with a dmg banner + it’s passive. And, if we need a sucky-sucky pull, Justice of the Empire Superior has got us covered with its vacuuming effect. We also use the Thrice-Blessed Copper Medal (heals 20% HP when using god skills) + Sigmar’s Bastion & its pew-pew-pew beams combo to heal up when just using the god skills and/or potion is not enough. It’s good for Chaos 9 but kinda lackluster damage-wise when solo. I believe that in a team the build would help your teammates greatly with the AoE pull to cluster up and prime the enemies for AoE damage while keeping them de-buffed and taunted. I recommended to play it solo up to Chaos 8 but If you want a challenge instead of clear speed Chaos 9 seems reasonable. It’s good for both solo and group play.

NOTE: The build requires the God Skills DLC & the Tomb Kings DLC but you can remove Hero of the Desert & only own the God Skills DLC.

Build Video footage soon:

The gear I recommend using is:

  • the Meteoric Iron set (Empire Herald) that gives us Heroic Taunt
  • a Blade of Vengeance Sword (gives 20% dmg & 3% dmg reduction per stack when blocking up to 10 stacks of total 200% dmg and 30% dmg reduction) OR a “Grudge Settler”, the Runefang of Solland Sword (gives 100% dmg vs taunted targets)
  • a Pavise of Anger  that gives +400% dmg to Shield Smash or any shield with good rolls
  • a Thrice-Blessed Copper Medal (heals 20% HP when using god skills)
  • Purple Signet Ring give +50% dmg and -2 sec cooldown times when we pick up a bloodlust orb (or other of your choice with good rolls such as Ring of Resurgence OR of Fortification OR of Fortitude)
  • Signet Ring of Endurance gives us +50% dmg reduction but drains our energy as we get hit & no bonus while at 0 energy (or other of your choice with good rolls such as Ring of Resurgence OR of Fortification OR of Fortitude)

The recommended stats to look for in each item are:

For the Helmet:

  • Cooldown Reduction (highest priority)
  • HP (high priority)
  • Armor (high priority)
  • Counter-Attack Damage (mid priority)
  • Health regen (mid)
  • Resistance to DoT (mid)

For the Chest & Leg Armor:

  • HP (high priority)
  • Armor (high priority)
  • Counter-Attack Damage (mid priority)
  • Health regen (mid)
  • Resistance to DoT (mid)

For the Boots:

  • HP (high priority)
  • Armor (high priority)
  • Movement Speed (mid priority)
  • Counter-Attack Damage (mid priority)
  • Health regen (mid)
  • Resistance to DoT (mid)

For the Gloves:

  • Damage (highest priority)
  • HP (high priority)
  • Armor (high/mid priority)
  • Crit DMG (high/mid priority)
  • Counter-Attack Damage (mid priority)
  • Health regen (low)
  • Resistance to DoT (low)

For the Shield:

  • Crit Chance (highest priority)
  • Damage (high priority)
  • Cooldown Reduction (high priority)
  • HP (high priority)
  • Block Chance (high)
  • Blocked DMG (high)
  • Crit DMG (high/mid)
  • Armor Piercing (high/mid priority)
  • Health Drain (mid)
  • Counter-Attack Damage (mid priority)

For the Sword:

  • Damage (highest priority)
  • Cooldown Reduction (high priority)
  • HP (high priority)
  • Crit DMG (high)
  • Armor Piercing (high/mid priority)
  • Health Drain (mid)
  • Counter-Attack Damage (mid priority)

For the Amulet & Rings:

  • Crit Chance (highest priority)
  • Damage (high priority)
  • Cooldown Reduction (high priority)
  • HP (high)
  • Armor Piercing (mid)
  • Crit DMG (mid)
  • Health Drain (mid)
  • Armor (only rolls on amulets- mid/high priority)
  • Counter-Attack Damage (mid priority)

The Skills and Passives I recommend are:







  • Defensive Strike basic/superior OR any energy generator basic (it’s a filler slot so might even keep it empty)
  • Justice of the Empire Superior (decent damage + slows and pulls enemies + generates energy)
  • Sigmar’s Herald Mastered (aoe aura that taunts enemies, pulses to do dmg & also makes enemies take 30% more dmg)
  • Banner of the Empire Mastered [or the other banner superior] (for dmg or dmg reduction)
  • Taunt Heroic (taunts + generates energy + block chance buff + dmg buff + unknown % of dmg reduction)
  • Sigmar’s Bastion basic (crit chance buff + dmg when spamming it + immunity to control effects) [if using Thrice Blessed Copper Medal it procs the medal’s heals when spamming the beams]
  • Divine Reprisal Mastered (taunted enemies take 30%  more dmg)
  • Majestic Aura Superior (all players get +15% dmg & +10% dmg reduction) [this needs a buff/rebalance to be equal to Divine Judgement]
  • Herald of the Empire Mastered (20% dmg or 20% dmg reduction buff based on what banner we are using)
  • Indestructible Mastered (+20% block chance and gets bonus dmg based on block chance – up to 40% dmg @ 80% block chance)
  • Duelist’s Chain Reaction (up to 400% crit  dmg which is 4 stacks of 100%)
  • Hero of the Desert (a bit of everything)

The God Skills setup uses both trees:


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