Dawi’s Whirlwind Slayer Build (Warhammer: Chaosbane)

Dawi’s Whirlwind

This build is my take on a Whirlwind of Blades based spin2win build. It’s centered around the Fighting Spirit passive God Skill + Counter-Attack stat stacking combo. There’s a way to re-arrange the god skills for more hp + hp drain + cooldown reduction but to sacrifice some counter attack dmg% which means less crit dmg in the end. The gear and passive synergy works like that: we use cooldown skills and can stun enemies with those, stunned enemies take more damage, stunning an enemy makes them bleed, bleeding enemies take more damage, and we do more damage based on the number of nearby bleeding enemies. When using the Last Song set bleeding enemies also take 300% more damage from all skills as well as Blood of the Mountain doing another +50% dmg to bleeding enemies. For the blessings I recommend to use only 3 pieces of fully linked (GreenBlueGreen x2) for up to 2500 counter attack damage + up to 8k HP + up to 620 armor. The rest (remaining 7 items) can be any mix of fully linked Red + Green gems (2 Green 4 Red or 3 Green 3 Red or 4 Green 2 Red) depending on whether one needs more HP or DMG. The formula behind Fighting Spirit is 100 flat Counter-Attack Damage = 4% crit dmg when using Fighting Spirit Mastered.

Build Video footage:

The gear I recommend using is :

  • any of the sets: Everpeaks, Grimnir, Undefeated (Challenger), or Last Song
  • a Grudge Holder Axe (this axe gives 500 Counter-Attack dmg per rage point so up to 20×500 so 400% crit dmg after the Fighting Spirit Mastered conversion)
  • a Victor’s Tribute gives 30% dmg after killing a champ/elite mob per stack, up to 10 stacks. Total of 300% dmg after 10 champ kills. You only loose the stacks if you die.  [good alternative is the Ultimate Carnage Axe +300% dmg -20% crit chance and you take 20% more dmg]
  • Mountain Pendant – good to keep lowering you cooldowns as you hit the enemies
  • Fiery Ring of Thori to help reduce our cooldowns (or other of your choice with good rolls)
  • Old Ring of Resonance to help stunning when we use our cooldown skills (or other of your choice with good rolls)

The recommended stats to look for in each item are:

For the Helmet:

  • Cooldown Reduction (high priority)
  • Counter-Attack Damage (high priority)
  • HP (high priority)
  • Armor (high priority)
  • Cost Reduction (mid priority)
  • Health regen (mid)
  • Resistance to DoT (mid)

For the Chest & Leg Armor:

  • HP (high priority)
  • Counter-Attack Damage (high priority)
  • Armor (high priority)
  • Cost Reduction (mid priority)
  • Health regen (mid)
  • Resistance to DoT (mid)

For the Boots:

  • Counter-Attack Damage (high priority)
  • HP (high priority)
  • Armor (high priority)
  • Movement Speed (mid priority)
  • Cost Reduction (mid priority)
  • Health regen (mid)
  • Resistance to DoT (mid)

For the Gloves:

  • Damage (high priority)
  • Counter-Attack Damage (high priority)
  • HP (high priority)
  • Armor (high/mid priority)
  • Crit DMG (high/mid priority)
  • Cost Reduction (low priority)
  • Health regen (low priority)
  • Resistance to DoT (low)

For Axe 1:

  • Damage (highest priority)
  • Crit Chance (highest priority)
  • Cooldown Reduction (highest priority)
  • Counter-Attack Damage (high priority)
  • HP (high priority)
  • Crit DMG (high/mid)
  • Armor Piercing (high/mid priority)
  • Health Drain (mid)

For Axe 2:

  • Damage (highest priority)
  • Crit Chance (highest priority)
  • Cooldown Reduction (highest priority)
  • Counter-Attack Damage (high priority)
  • HP (high priority)
  • Crit DMG (high/mid)
  • Armor Piercing (high/mid priority)
  • Health Drain (mid)

For the Amulet & Rings:

  • Crit Chance (highest priority)
  • Cooldown Reduction (highest priority)
  • Damage (high priority)
  • HP (high)
  • Counter-Attack Damage (high/mid priority)
  • Armor Piercing (mid)
  • Crit DMG (mid)
  • Health Drain (mid)

The Skills and Passives I recommend are:




Setup 1: When using the Challenge/Undefeated Set



  • Axe Throw Basic
  • Whirlwind of Blades Mastered (main dps source)
  • Ancestor’s Gift Superior/Basic (4 seconds invulnerability + no energy consumed & situational +20% dmg buff when using superior)
  • Blood of the Mountain Basic/Superior (a nice extra dps source) or Call to Oath Basic (good dps + dps buff but costs HP)
  • Avenging Charge Superior (or basic if you need the points)
  • Last Bastion Heroic (HP heal + energy gain)
  • Fighting Spirit (loads of crit dmg based on our counter-attack damage)
  • Death Blow Mastered (stunned enemies take more dmg + stunning and enemy also inflicts bleeding)
  • Trail of Blood Mastered (even more dps vs bleeding enemies + dmg based on nearby bleeding enemies)
  • Unwavering Mastered (max energy +30% & +30% dmg when at max energy)
  • Blood of the Dawi (the less health you have the more dmg reduction this gives – invisible numbers so dunno the exact % HP lost for % dmg reduction ratio)
  • Optional slot for the remaining points (3 points)




Setup 2: When using the Last Song set



  • Axe Throw Basic
  • Whirlwind of Blades Mastered (main dps source)
  • Ancestor’s Gift Basic (4 seconds invulnerability + no energy consumed)
  • Blood of the Mountain Basic (a nice extra dps source) or Call to Oath Basic (good dps + dps buff but costs HP)
  • Avenging Charge basic (for mobility/escape)
  • Last Bastion Superior (HP heal + energy gain)
  • Fighting Spirit (loads of crit dmg based on our counter-attack damage)
  • Death Blow Mastered (stunned enemies take more dmg + stunning and enemy also inflicts bleeding)
  • Trail of Blood Mastered (even more dps vs bleeding enemies + dmg based on nearby bleeding enemies)
  • Unwavering Mastered (max energy +30% & +30% dmg when at max energy)
  • Blood of the Dawi (the less health you have the more dmg reduction this gives – invisible numbers so dunno the exact % HP lost for % dmg reduction ratio)
  • Optional slot for the remaining points

Legendary Ranks

My advice for every builds is: is start with Legendary Reinforcement and eventually based on whether you need dmg reduction or dmg start investing into either Legendary Endurance or Legendary Punishment. Eventually, get Legendary Crushing for more dmg reduction if really needed. For this build I strongly advise to try using Legendary Healing at max power and like 30+% chance right after investing the points in Legendary Reinforcement.

The God Skill Tree has two versions – one for more dmg & another with more HP drain + CDR but less dps. Both versions use the two trees for the Fighting Spirit Mastered passive + Counter-Attack stat stacking combo:

Version 1 – More DPS:





Version 2 – Less DPS but more CDR & more HP Drain:



  1. Hey,

    Nice guide. I got a question though.

    When not using Call to oath… where does the bleed comes from ?

    I have only one of the suggested rings and last song set, but only seem to be doing big numbers when I hit them with CtO.

    Thanks in advance.


    1. Hey, thanks for the comment. The old Ring of Resonance stuns every time we use a cooldown skill. You can get this ring from the Invasion mode. I suggest pushing rank 10 invasions all the way until you can claim the ring but not claiming the ring on rank 10. Once it’s ready to claim go back to rank 1 and claim there, then claim rank 2 then claim rank 3 and do this going up 1 rank for every claim until you collect all 10 rings. IF you collect rank 10 first you cannon collect the rings from ranks 1 to 9. so be cautious.

    1. Hey, not sure what you mean by this. This is up-to-date with the latest game version. Do you mean the legendary ranks? For those it’s entirely optional what you pick based on personal preference and the difficulty you are doing. I strongly Suggest starting with Reinforcement as it gives dmg reduction and damage after using cooldown skills. You might want to see the video linked at around 12:53 is where i talk about the legendary ranks. I’ll try and write up a paragraph about those, although those are just QoL points and I don’t advise relying on them for new players until they start pushing harder difficulties. I intentionally did not write about those in the guide to avoid confusion but maybe it’s better to write about them and mention that those are only needed for chaos 8, 9 and up. My advice for every builds is: is start with Legendary Reinforcement and eventually based on whether you need dmg reduction or dmg start investing into either Legendary Endurance or Legendary Punishment. Eventually get Crushing for more dmg reduction if really needed. For this build I strongly advise to try using Legendary Healing at max power and like 30+% chance right after investing the points in Legendary Reinforcement.

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