Ambush Trapper Scout Build (Warhammer: Chaosbane)

Ambush Trapper

This build is a new experiment of mine as a take on the Eternity Set + using Ambush to gain +% physical dmg based on our Counter-Attack damage. The build is a mind/close range centric one and includes a lot of stacking cooldown reduction to allow spamming of one of the traps + the two other cooldown based skills. The traps get boosted by the  Symbiosis Bow & the Ambush Specialist Heroic passive skill. We’re using the two trap skills + a trap that gets dropped on the ground at the start of a dodge roll (granted by the Ambush Specialist Heroic passive) . We are also stacking Counter-Attack Damage from gear rolls and some blessings to get it converted converted into +% physical damage by Ambush.  The other items I’ve picked help us reduce the cooldowns of our skills even further. The build is NOT as META as other builds nor is Elessa as META hero as some of the others so you won’t see OP dmg or OP survivability but still decent DMG and the good survivability will need to come mostly from gear and legendary rank skills.

Build Video:

The gear I recommend using is:

  • The Eternity set (Eternity Protectress) that gives us trap damage increse
  • a Dashing Daggers that gives two permanent rotating daggers around us which deal physical dmg (or another of your choice)
  • a Symbiosis Bow that boosts our trap dmg
  • Amber Talisman (procs CDR & energy gain)
  • Ring of the Guardian for more  chance to proc CDR (or other of your choice with good rolls… maybe a Chitin Links for survivabilty for the price of doing less dmg)
  • Old Ring of Resonance to proc stuns + a bit of AoE DMG (or other of your choice with good rolls)

The recommended stats to look for in each item are:

For the Helmet:

  • Cooldown Reduction (highest priority)
  • HP (high priority)
  • Counter-Attack Damage (high priority)
  • Armor (high priority)
  • Health regen (mid)
  • Resistance to DoT (mid)

For the Chest & Leg Armor:

  • HP (high priority)
  • Counter-Attack Damage (high priority)
  • Armor (high priority)
  • Health regen (mid)
  • Resistance to DoT (mid)

For the Boots:

  • HP (high priority)
  • Counter-Attack Damage (high priority)
  • Armor (high priority)
  • Movement Speed (mid priority)
  • Health regen (mid)
  • Resistance to DoT (mid)

For the Gloves:

  • Damage (highest priority)
  • HP (high priority)
  • Counter-Attack Damage (high priority)
  • Armor (high/mid priority)
  • Crit DMG (high/mid priority)
  • Health regen (low)
  • Resistance to DoT (low)

For the Daggers:

  • Crit Chance (highest priority)
  • Damage (highest priority)
  • Cooldown Reduction (highest priority)
  • HP (high priority)
  • Counter-Attack Damage (high priority)
  • Crit DMG (high/mid)
  • Armor Piercing (high/mid priority)
  • Health Drain (mid)

For the Bow:

  • Damage (highest priority)
  • Cooldown Reduction (highest priority)
  • HP (high priority)
  • Counter-Attack Damage (high priority)
  • Crit DMG (high)
  • Armor Piercing (high/mid priority)
  • Health Drain (mid)

For the Amulet & Rings:

  • Crit Chance (highest priority)
  • Cooldown Reduction (highest priority)
  • Damage (high priority)
  • HP (high)
  • Counter-Attack Damage (high priority)
  • Armor Piercing (mid)
  • Crit DMG (mid)
  • Health Drain (mid)
  • Armor (only rolls on amulets- mid/high priority)

The Skills and Passives I recommend are:







  • Crippling Blade Superior (or an energy generator of your choice)
  • Spinning Blades Superior (does some dmg + helps to proc Duelist’s Chain Reaction)
  • Hungry Roots Superior (dmg + dmg reduction + helps to proc Duelist’s Chain Reaction)
  • Living Roots Mastered (spammy dmg source that costs energy)
  • Call of the Spirits basic (I only use it to proc Duelist’s Chain Reaction)
  • Winds of Isha (HP regen + decent DoT)
  • Ambush (gives us +% physical dmg based on our flat Counter-Attack damage)
  • Guardian Spirit Mastered for the dmg reduction and HP regen (or another passive of your choice for example Veteran’s Chain Reaction)
  • Ambush Specialist Heroic – traps do +20% dmg + dodge rolls leave a trap behind + max number of each type of trap increased (Hunrgy Roots max 3 ; Living Roots max 6 even tho tooltip says 1xHR & 6xLR, respectively)
  • Padded Armour – taking crit hits gives us up to 40% dmg reduction (when at 100 stacks of 0.4% each) [you can replace it for any other passive you prefer like Veteran’s Chain Reaction]
  • Duelist’s Chain Reaction (up to 400% crit  dmg which is 4 stacks of 100%)
  • Hero of the Desert (A bit of everything. We take it for the dmg reduction, dmg, and hp mostly)

The God Skill Tree setup use the two trees:

Version 1 – Standard Setup:



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