Summoner Assassin 2.0
Ideally for Chaos 8 & no higher than Chaos 9 recommended! This build is a revisit of my take on the Starlight Set while Deadly Tips for bonus DMG based on number of summoned minions & stacking as many summons as possible. It’s a mid/long range centric setup that includes a lot of stacking of cooldown reduction to allow frequent use of the cooldown based skills & god skill. Summons come from: Wild Incarnation Mastered (1), Defiler’s Reckoning Mastered (4+n)*, Call of the Spirits (3), Pact Bow + Starlight set (1+1) + Seeds of Blood (m)*, *n=number that grows based on % chance of summons on dryad kill; m= number that grows based on chance to summon a dryad when hitting an enemy. The build is NOT as META as other builds nor is Elessa as META hero as some of the others so you won’t see OP dmg or OP survivability, in fact this is a pretty weak set on the 2nd weakest hero (Witch Hunter being a weaker hero than her after December 2020’s patch).
The gear I recommend using is:
- The Starlight set (Deadly Glow) that gives us +200 Minion damage & an extra familiar (the floating fairy)
- Deadly Tips (Daggers) – gives +30% damage buff for each summoned creature so (10+n+m) x 30% = minimum of 300% dmg without the on dryad kill summon procs or on dryad summon on enemy hit procs if we make sure to dodge trough the familiars/fairies often
- a Pact Bow for those 1+1 dryads on dodge trough the fairies/familiars
- Amber Talisman (procs CDR & energy gain)
- Ring of the Spirits helps with energy regen and Healing procs (or other Ring of your choice with good rolls)
- Untamed Ring for dmg + cooldown decrease (or other of your choice with good rolls) OR an Old Ring of Resonance
The recommended stats to look for in each item are:
For the Helmet:
- Cooldown Reduction (highest priority)
- HP (high priority)
- Armor (is always there)
- Cost Reduction (mid)
- Health regen (mid)
- Resistance to DoT (mid)
For the Chest & Leg Armor:
- HP (highest priority)
- Armor (is always there)
- Cost Reduction (mid)
- Health regen (mid)
- Resistance to DoT (mid)
For the Boots:
- HP (highest priority)
- Armor (is always there)
- Cost Reduction (mid)
- Health regen (mid)
- Resistance to DoT (mid)
For the Gloves:
- Damage (highest priority)
- HP (high priority)
- Health Drain (high/mid)
- Crit DMG (high/mid priority)
- Armor (is always there)
- Damage over Time(mid priority)
- Cost Reduction (low priority)
- Health regen (low)
- Resistance to DoT (low)
For the Dagger:
- Crit Chance (highest priority)
- Cooldown Reduction (highest priority)
- Damage (high priority)
- Cooldown Reduction (highest priority)
- HP (high priority)
- Health Drain (high/mid)
- Crit DMG (high/mid)
- Armor Piercing (high/mid priority)
For the Bow:
- Damage (highest priority)
- Cooldown Reduction (highest priority)
- HP (high priority)
- Crit DMG (high)
- Health Drain (high/mid)
- Armor Piercing (high/mid priority)
For the Amulet & Rings:
- Crit Chance (highest priority)
- Cooldown Reduction (highest priority)
- Damage (high priority)
- HP (high)
- Armor Piercing (mid)
- Crit DMG (mid)
- Health Drain (mid)
- Armor (only rolls on amulets- mid/high priority)
The Skills and Passives I recommend are:

- Any basic skill Basic (choose 1 of the 3, I put Master Archer)
- Spinning Blades basic – this one can be changed for any other skill as a “filler” slot. I recommend using a cooldown skill to make keeping the DCR (Duelist’s Chain Reaction) stacks up easier
- Hungry Roots Superior (an okay trap skill with a cooldown that we can use for DPS + DCR stacks building + dmg reduction)
- Call of the Spirits Heroic (our Set’s boosted skill for 3 summons with okay dmg)
- Defiler’s Reckoning Mastered (a decent ‘DPS via Summons’ source that summons 4 dryads + n more based on procs )
- Wild Incarnation Mastered – summons 1 highest DPS summon that shoots big piercing projectiles
- Master Blacksmiths for +10% global dmg for 0 skill points (feel free to use other 0 point skills if you prefer or to rework and put a skill with a cost here)
- Assasination Mastered for + 60% dmg to enemies with high health
- Seeds of Blood Superior – extra Dryads can spawn based on chance to summon when hitting an enemy
- Hallowed Spirits (Superior OR Mastered) +30% minion dmg +50% minion hp; superior give dryads 50% chance to heal you for 1% hp with each hit they do, while mastered does not heal but give a stacking (up to 50 stacks) +1% global dmg (lasts for 5 seconds and all stacks disappear if they stop hitting for over 5 seconds)
- Duelist’s Chain Reaction (up to 300% crit dmg which is 3 stacks of 100% and lasts for 6 seconds before all stacks disappear)
- Hero of the Desert (a bit of everything) [if you don’t own the Tomb Kings DLC swap it for other]
Legendary Ranks:

For the Legendary Ranks – My preferred choice to spend points into first will be
Legendary Reinforcement for DMG + DMG reduction buff on us.
Then I’d invest into Legendary Endurance for DMG reduction buff on us.
Next, I’d go for Legendary Crushing if doing harder stuff and I need the survivability
Or go for Legendary Punishment for more DMG.
Try to get 30% – 35% chance and MAX power in all of those eventually.
After that some Legendary Rage for extra DPS is nice.
The God Skill Trees setup has one version that can be a bit flexible: